The AirPlus Blog

Insights from the corporate payment world

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The BIG Rethink meets big data: how it’s transforming our industry

27 November 2023


The BIG Rethink meets big data: how it’s transforming our industry

Here’s a fact to stop you in your tracks: there are currently at least 97 zettabytes1 of data in

Pandemic-era business travel exposes gender gap

11 December 2020


Pandemic-era business travel exposes gender gap

Recent AirPlus analysis has found that women now make up an even smaller proportion of business

Experts at home: An interview with Thomas Göbel

23 June 2020


Experts at home: An interview with Thomas Göbel

As we all weather the coronavirus crisis, the world has quickly adapted to radically new working

Covid in Syria: AirPlus staff in France support charity to help children

09 June 2020


Covid in Syria: AirPlus staff in France support charity to help children

The effects of the Coronavirus crisis have spread to every corner of the world. But some places

Experts at home: An interview with Paolo Bruzzese

20 May 2020


Experts at home: An interview with Paolo Bruzzese

As we all weather the coronavirus crisis, the world has quickly adapted to radically new working

Experts at home: An interview with François Dodane

14 May 2020


Experts at home: An interview with François Dodane

As we all weather the coronavirus crisis, the world has quickly adapted to radically new working

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