AirPlus Virtual Cards:

Gain transparency, control and efficiency in your payments.

AirPlus Virtual Cards are like your conventional plastic Mastercard®
– but in digital form.

Like most credit cards, each of our virtual cards come equipped with everything you need to make a purchase: a unique Mastercard number, an expiration date, and a card verification code (CVC). This means you can use them to pay any supplier or service provider that accepts Mastercard, making it compatible with millions of merchants worldwide.

And that’s not all: you and any of the employees you authorize can generate card numbers at any time, quickly and easily, through the AirPlus Portal. You can even specify a particular period of time, limit, currency and purpose for each card – a massive gain for security.

All your transactions are then compiled for you into a single, clearly organized statement – including additional information such as cost center or project number – and billed to you together at the end of the agreed statement period. In short, AirPlus Virtual Cards offer a fast, transparent and convenient way for making payments.

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The right card for every purpose

 AirPlus Virtual Cards Classic:

Our proven classic for all travel services, such as overnight stays at hotels, airfare, and train tickets

AirPlus Virtual Cards Procurement:

The perfect way to make procurement purchases
like office supplies, licenses, or certificates.

AirPlus Virtual Cards Travel Trade:

Designed specifically for travel agencies and tour operators that need a flexible, virtual payment solution to handle their own travel-related services

AirPlus Virtual Cards Classic and Procurement come in two versions: single-use and multi-use.

Single-use Virtual Cards expire after the payment is made, making them perfect for one-time purchases like with event tickets or office supplies.

Multi-use Virtual Cards help to streamline processes as they are designed for recurring payments with the same purpose, such as IT license renewals or phone bills.

Your day-to-day challenges and how to overcome them with AirPlus Virtual Cards

“We can’t give every employee a company credit card. Since new employees, interns, and colleagues who don’t travel much don’t receive their own company credit card in many cases, they don‘t have a payment solution from the company. And cash advances are just too big a hassle.”

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AirPlus Virtual Cards Classic are perfect in this case. You can restrict the Mastercard credit card numbers that you generate to a specific purpose, such as a stay at a hotel. The term of validity and credit limit can also be set separately for each individual virtual card


AirPlus Virtual Cards Classic can save you time and money. All purchases made with AirPlus Virtual Cards are compiled into a single, central statement with no need for a travel expense report for each individual employee. The additional information supplied for each transaction makes it easier for you to allocate costs later on, meaning less work for the accounting team and the traveler alike.

“Travel expense statements are a lot of work for the traveler, travel manager, and financial accounting department. If expenses are paid using someone‘s personal credit card or cash, it gives rise to a lot of manual work after the trip.”
“Travel expense statements are a lot of work for the traveler, travel manager, and financial accounting department. If expenses are paid using someone‘s personal credit card or cash, it gives rise to a lot of manual work after the trip.”


AirPlus Virtual Cards Classic can save you time and money. All purchases made with AirPlus Virtual Cards are compiled into a single, central statement with no need for a travel expense report for each individual employee. The additional information supplied for each transaction makes it easier for you to allocate costs later on, meaning less work for the accounting team and the traveler alike.

“My marketing department wants to buy a video jingle online, the IT team has to pay for software licenses online, and the strategy team needs a study for its work. This would usually be no problem – except that most online providers of software, image materials, studies, training sessions, and other products demand immediate payment online. Purchases like these are often impossible to handle via our existing procurement system.”


AirPlus Virtual Cards Procurement are the convenient, flexible, and secure payment solution for these kinds of corporate expenses. They were developed specifically to help you centralize, monitor, and keep track of online and ad-hoc purchases.


AirPlus Virtual Cards are integrated into more than 80 booking platforms. This makes it possible for the whole card generation and payment process to take place seamlessly in the background when you book with your preferred booking engine or back-office system.

“A lot of time and effort go into the booking and reconciliation processes. I want as many processes as possible to be automated to streamline these processes and save time.”
“A lot of time and effort go into the booking and reconciliation processes. I want as many processes as possible to be automated to streamline these processes and save time.”


AirPlus Virtual Cards are integrated into more than 80 booking platforms. This makes it possible for the whole card generation and payment process to take place seamlessly in the background when you book with your preferred booking engine or back-office system.

“As a travel agency, I often have to pay in advance when making bookings for my customers. That not only raises my risk, but also weighs on cash flow. I also have to put a lot of time and effort into defaults, including dunning.”


With AirPlus Virtual Cards Travel Trade and extended payment terms, you can improve your cash flow while lowering your own risk. You no longer need to pay in advance using your personal credit card. The additional data provided by AirPlus Virtual Cards also makes it easier to associate travel services that have been booked with the relevant customer transactions, making less work for you.

Advantages at a glance

icon-graph  Easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Register in the AirPlus Portal.

2. Generate a Mastercard number that can be used right away, whether for an employee’s hotel stay or for purchases made by your IT department.

3. Receive a clear and easily understandable collective statement from AirPlus that covers all your card transactions, rather than multiple individual statements.

user-lock  Uniquely secure

You can restrict the virtual card numbers you generate to a specific purpose, limit, currency, and period of use.

The card numbers lose their validity after use. Unlike cash or credit cards, they cannot be lost or stolen.

You decide who within your organization is allowed to generate card numbers.

AirPlus Virtual Cards are considered to be highly secure. Card numbers generated for one-time use are therefore exempt from the two-factor authentication requirements.

file-spreadsheet  Keep track of everything

All transactions are compiled for you into a single, clearly organized statement and billed to you all at once at the end of the agreed statement period.

Integrating AirPlus Virtual Cards into your existing finance and controlling systems is quick and easy.

You can use individual additional data fields for detailed information like cost center or order number – perfect for allocating expenses later on.

Keep your cards on file with preferred suppliers to streamline your processes even further.

Thanks to integrations into some of the most popular booking platforms and partner systems, AirPlus Virtual Card generation is both seamless and automated, saving you a lot of time and effort.

Paying with AirPlus Virtual Cards: how it works

1. Customer

Before or during the booking process, you generate a virtual credit card via AirPlus and use it to make your payment.

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2. AirPlus

Receives the booking data, the service provider’s name, and the amount billed via the Mastercard® network

3. Payment

The service provider receives payment from AirPlus immediately.

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4. Organised Statement

All transactions for which you have paid using the AirPlus Virtual Cards are compiled for you by AirPlus in a single, clearly organized statement and billed together – at the end of the agreed statement period.

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Your Company

More AirPlus Corporate Payment solutions: 

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