The AirPlus Blog

Insights from the corporate payment world

Connor Avis

Connor Avis

Writer for fintech, blockchain and travel.

Posts by Connor Avis

The role of SCA in the rise of mobile payments

16 December 2021


The role of SCA in the rise of mobile payments

Security of payments will always be a priority. However, the shift to digital platforms and online

How much does sustainable travel really cost businesses?

18 November 2021


How much does sustainable travel really cost businesses?

It seems that the travel industry can’t catch a break. After the almost complete standstill of 2020

The current state of car rental: How Enterprise navigated the pandemic

21 October 2021


The current state of car rental: How Enterprise navigated the pandemic

It’s no secret that the travel industry has been having a hard time over the last year. While there

The current state of car rental: How Europcar navigated the pandemic

21 October 2021


The current state of car rental: How Europcar navigated the pandemic

The travel industry was hit hard by the pandemic. Lockdowns, border closures and other measures

3 ways the pandemic has changed the workplace

30 July 2021


3 ways the pandemic has changed the workplace

Times have been tough, but there is now a light at the end of the tunnel. The pandemic has impacted

Are mobile payments the next big trend?

15 July 2021


Are mobile payments the next big trend?

It should be no surprise to anyone that we are hurtling toward a more digital future. This is

What impact will cryptocurrency have on business payments?

17 June 2021


What impact will cryptocurrency have on business payments?

Right now, the world is abuzz with excitement and interest for blockchain. Sure, many people only

Why is corporate card use growing in Europe?

20 May 2021


Why is corporate card use growing in Europe?

According to the European Central Bank, non-cash payments in the Eurozone are worth €167.3

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