The AirPlus Blog

Insights from the corporate payment world

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AirPlus International Brings Apple Pay to Customers

B2B Payments

Corporate Payments

06 September 2022


AirPlus International Brings Apple Pay to Customers

Brussels/Schiphol —Tuesday September 6th, 2022 — AirPlus International, a global corporate payment

Carbon offsetting: The answer to sustainable travel?

Business travel


01 September 2022


Carbon offsetting: The answer to sustainable travel?

Can travel be sustainable? For businesses, travel enables some great opportunities for connection

Digital identity: A new digital economy passport or another alter ego?

Travel experience



17 August 2022


Digital identity: A new digital economy passport or another alter ego?

When traveling through airports, we need to show our passport for inspection before being granted

Understanding the impact of real-time payment



03 August 2022


Understanding the impact of real-time payment

It seems that real-time payment is all the rage right now. And yet, it wasn’t that long ago that

Physical vs virtual cards: Why plastic remains relevant for businesses



20 July 2022


Physical vs virtual cards: Why plastic remains relevant for businesses

Plastic cards have been around now for decades. They represented a major shift in the way people

Handling Online Booking Tools today: Replace the recipe or add flavor?

Travel management

Business travel

Travel experience

06 July 2022


Handling Online Booking Tools today: Replace the recipe or add flavor?

Online booking tools (OBTs) are changing. They need to be ready for the returning demand from us

5 reasons behind the push for rail in business travel

Business travel


22 June 2022


5 reasons behind the push for rail in business travel

Let’s say you have a meeting. You’re currently in Zurich, but your meeting is with a potential

What makes the perfect corporate travel policy?

Business travel

Corporate Payments

22 June 2022


What makes the perfect corporate travel policy?

In these confusing times of travel you need a corporate travel policy that works for you. In this

How the metaverse is transforming the travel industry


20 June 2022


How the metaverse is transforming the travel industry

The metaverse is a hot topic in tech and is transforming the travel industry as we know it. Let’s

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