The AirPlus Blog

Insights from the corporate payment world

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Optimizing digital advertising with virtual payment

B2B Payments

Corporate Payments

24 March 2021

Optimizing digital advertising with virtual payment

Optimizing digital advertising with virtual payment How to capitalize on the data-driven clarity of

Top 10 things you need to work from home

22 February 2021


Top 10 things you need to work from home

Where to find them and how you and your company can pay for them? The pandemic has driven many

Protecting your business in the remote-working-world


18 January 2021


Protecting your business in the remote-working-world

Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock since 2010, you know what the term “Data Security”

Why Virtual Cards are the way forward in the remote-working world.

B2B Payments


Corporate Payments

18 January 2021


Why Virtual Cards are the way forward in the remote-working world.

Over the last ten months, the world has up-rooted and almost everything has moved online. Whether

Lesson learned - Less complexity and more time for your business

B2B Payments


18 January 2021


Lesson learned - Less complexity and more time for your business

The year 2020 is certainly one for the books. An unforeseen pandemic and a foreseen Brexit were the

Can procurement save the day?



08 January 2021


Can procurement save the day?

How better buying leads the way through economic and environmental straits Can procurement save the

SCA: More security at the expense of user friendliness?

23 December 2020


SCA: More security at the expense of user friendliness?

Strong customer authentication (SCA) is presenting major challenges for the corporate payment

Pandemic-era business travel exposes gender gap

Business travel


11 December 2020


Pandemic-era business travel exposes gender gap

Recent AirPlus analysis has found that women now make up an even smaller proportion of business

SCA: More security at the expense of user friendliness?

08 December 2020


SCA: More security at the expense of user friendliness?

Strong customer authentication (SCA) is presenting major challenges for the corporate payment

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