The AirPlus Blog

Insights from the corporate payment world

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How To Track Small Business Travel Expenses

02 October 2020


How To Track Small Business Travel Expenses

Right now, many of us have been left asking ourselves whether business travel will ever be the

Corporate or employee responsibility: what to choose for your corporate card program?

02 October 2020


Corporate or employee responsibility: what to choose for your corporate card program?

What bank account are your employees' corporate cards connected to?

Corporate card acceptance network: a key point to consider

02 October 2020


Corporate card acceptance network: a key point to consider

Simply providing business travelers with a corporate card is already a significant step towards

Business Expenses: How To Choose Your Corporate Card

23 September 2020


Business Expenses: How To Choose Your Corporate Card

With so many corporate cards available for business expenses, how exactly do you go about choosing

How To Implement Corporate Card Payments Within Your Company

23 September 2020


How To Implement Corporate Card Payments Within Your Company

Since the pandemic hit back in March 2020, there's been an increasing need for companies to have

Corporate cards: why extended payment terms are just placebos

23 September 2020


Corporate cards: why extended payment terms are just placebos

But is it so advantageous?

How to save up to €11 per transaction

23 September 2020


How to save up to €11 per transaction

Optimizing travel expenses while improving expense management goes hand in hand. Significant

Lodge card and corporate card: what’s the difference?

21 September 2020


Lodge card and corporate card: what’s the difference?

The corporate card and the lodged card are two means of payment dedicated to professional expenses.

Payment by corporate card: 5 mistakes to avoid

21 September 2020


Payment by corporate card: 5 mistakes to avoid

Using corporate cards has many advantages over other corporate payment methods.

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